Wagga Wagga Builder | House & Land Packages by Hurst Homes

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Thank you to our guest speakers and of course all the future First Home Buyers who attended our Seminar last Thursday.

We hope with the information provided your now feeling better equip to get into you first home sooner.

The team at Hurst Homes believe that education is key when making any big decision in life and buying/ building your first home is defiantly not a decision that should be taken lightly.

When building a home be it your first or second, bigger or smaller or even an investment, the more homework and research you do before hand the better informed you will be when making decisions from selecting a block of land right down to the paint colour choice.

Any good builder should offer free, no obligation site inspection of the block of land you are looking to purchase (even if it is not a block they are selling) and provide their professional opinion on the block. 

Looking for a builder in Wagga? House & Land packages are currently for sale and selling fast in Estella Rise – Gobbagomblin.

Click for our currently available Wagga Land