Wagga Wagga Builder | House & Land Packages by Hurst Homes

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Standard Inclusions is there such a thing when it comes to building? The answer is YES.

Any good builder will have a list of standard inclusions range which should be readily available for potential future clients to view. This list will show you everything from cornice to appliances. But the biggest thing to be aware of with ‘standard inclusions’ is that when visiting a display home more often then not they are designed to wow you and draw you in while not necessarily being a true representation of the standard inclusions and finishes.

So what is a standard inclusion then? A standard inclusion is what will be included in your build & will NOT add a ‘variation bill’ onto your contract price throughout the build. Standard Inclusions are things like, fittings & fixtures, appliances, floor coverings, colour ranges etc.

When comparing builders standard inclusions list it is paramount that you insure your comparing apples with apples! Take an oven for example, something that most people use daily and can vary significantly in price and quality. Two builders can have an oven on their standard inclusions list and quote you an identical build price for the same house plan on the same block of land BUT one has a poor quality standard inclusions range and includes the cheapest lowest quality oven on the market while the other has a large standard inclusions range with extremely good quality appliances including a much superior oven… so of course providing all other factors line up you would want to pick the better quality for the same price, this is why it is SO important to make sure you are comparing apples with apples and getting a fully comprehensive quote. When you are up to quote stage it is so important to ensure you are 100% aware of what you are and are not getting as part of your price.

Another tip when in comes to standard inclusions and comparing apples with apples is to get more than one quote, visit builders display homes but also request to view some projects that are nearing completion or recently completed projects so you can see exactly the quality and finishes they provide to paying customers. Also ask for some past and present clients to contact to hear first hand the experience of someone that has/ is building with them and if they delivered on what they promised. If the builder isn’t willing to show you through other projects or have you contact past clients you need to ask yourself why. And as we always say do your homework! if you do your homework properly you will know what is right and what doesn’t seem quite right, if the price seems to good to be true it probably is, cheapest isn’t always best!