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10 Reasons To Hire A Building Designer

When should you consider hiring a company that offers both design and construction as a package? Laura Gaskill from Houzz outline 10 times it pays to hire a building designer, below.

Wondering if it’s time to hire a building designer? Unlike the more traditional path (known as ‘design, bid, build’ or the ‘construct only’ method), which involves separately hiring an architect or building designer as well as a separate builder, many people choose to hire a building-design that offers design and construction services under the same umbrella.

Like all building and design professions, legislation surrounding building-design firms varies from state to state. Some building designers offer this comprehensive service, though many only design, then work with a separate builder. However, for larger building-design firms that include both designers and builders at their core, the ease of working with a single company from start to finish may be the right choice for you.

1. You Like The Idea Of Working With A ‘Master Builder’

Once upon a time, the architecture and construction professions were not as separate as they typically are today. It’s true that even for building designers that offer design and construction services, the design work and the construction side are generally handled by different people. Nevertheless, a close collaboration between these two wings can result in something akin to the ‘master builder’ approach that was once more common.

2. You Want A Specialist In Construction Methods

Because the building-design model brings all members of a project team – including the designer, builder, engineer and any specialty sub-contractors – together early on in the process, you can be sure that tricky construction issues are taken into account from the get-go.

3. You’re On A Tight Schedule

Disagreement between your designer and builder on how things ought to be done can result in serious slowdowns. When you’re working with a building-design firm that handles both services, however, everyone is on the same team – which can translate into faster timelines. Also, thanks to this collaboration, building can often begin even if there are still a few small finishing touches to iron out in the design.

4. You Want Your Team To Work Well Together

Although a conflict-free building experience is never a sure thing, one comfort in hiring a building-design firm that will take your project from start to finish is that the key players already know one another and presumably respected each other’s work enough to go into business together.

And because the two pieces of your team are already working as one, ironing out later-stage changes tends to be quicker and smoother. This is important because conflicts between your design and construction teams are not just annoying – they can also create delays, which in turn can inflate costs or even bring work to a grinding halt.

5. You Spotted Work You Love On Houzz

If you see work you fall in love with while browsing Houzz, it’s worth finding out more about the professionals who made it happen – liking a professional’s past work is a pretty good sign that you will be on the same page, design-wise.

To find out more about a photo you like, click through to that professional’s Houzz profile page to see more work in his or her portfolio, find out the geographic area served, follow them to see future projects, and use the contact form to ask questions.

6. You Want To Fix Up Your Fixer-Upper

Renovating a home that’s in poor condition is challenging under the best of circumstances. Add in the logistical, organisational and emotional challenges of negotiating multiple contracts, personalities and conflicting ideas, and the headaches can multiply. For larger building-design firms that handle everything under one roof (and often one contract), you can eliminate a lot of the guesswork and unnecessary push-and-pull that you’d need to deal with if you were hiring separate design and construction professionals.

7. Staying On Budget Is A Top Priority

In the traditional design-bid-build model, multiple builders bid or quote on a project – the perceived benefit being that you can potentially save money on its construction. However, securing that initial construction contract is not the only factor that goes into escalating project costs: poor communication between your designer and builder, and unneeded or excessive changes, can also wreak havoc on your budget.

n the design-build model, your designer and builder work together under one contract, which can help cut down on unnecessary changes and keep everyone on the same page when it comes to budget expectations.

8. You’re Hoping To Minimise Risks

Of course, everyone involved in a project hopes that nothing goes wrong. But if there is a dispute, working with a building designer that handles both design and construction puts more of the legal responsibility for design errors and omissions, as well as defective construction, on the firm. In the traditional design-bid-build model, however, the homeowner can be in a potentially more vulnerable position because they are placed between the architect or designer and builder.

9. You Want A ‘Green’ Home

You’re probably already aware that there are architects who specialise in green building – but did you know that there are also building designers who count this as a specialty? Hiring a building-design firm with expertise in this area is a good choice if you are looking to complete a renovation, addition or new build that incorporates green or sustainable building methods and principles, such as passive solar design and high energy efficiency.

10. You Feel Overwhelmed By The Building Process

If you are planning to build your dream home from scratch, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed. Choosing to work with a building designer can simplify the process by reducing the stress of project management and the number of people you need to liaise with. Once you’ve chosen a firm you trust, this one-stop shop oversees the architect, builder and sub-contractors.

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For more tips and tricks from the Houzz experts visit Houzz.com.au