Wagga Wagga Builder | House & Land Packages by Hurst Homes

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If you request a quote from a builder don’t be too surprised if it is only a page or two. I’m not saying that is acceptable but it does tend to happen and unless you are in the know or have built & been hit with variations before it is very easy to get caught up in the emotion and forget to shop with the head as well are your heart.

A quote should typically be around 8-12 pages to capture all the detail. Anything less than that is ambiguous and leads to an increase of over 36% to the contract price by completion.

To help avoid misunderstandings and to ensure you are comparing apples for apples make sure the following questions are answered and included in any quote.

Is Temporary Fencing ?
Has Caulking of Brick Expansion Joints been included?
Are the Site Works, Footings & Slab quoted as per soil test and are they a fixed price ?
What is the specification for the Hot Water System?
Are all Sediment Control measures included?
All Building Approvals, Insurances & Certification?
Is the Site left clear and tidy with any excess soil & rubbish removed?
What Bathroom Accessories are included and which models?
Are Insulation Batts included To all External Walls & Living Area Ceilings? (If so, what rating?)
Are Supplier Delivery Charges Included?
What is the finish to the Driveway?
What type of Splashbacks are allowed in the kitchen?
Letter Box included?
Site Identification Survey included?
Footings & Slab Engineer Inspections (& Re inspections) included?
Frame Inspection included?
Is Home Owner Protection Insurance included?
Who is the Colour Consultant and how much time has been allowed?
Provisioning for site access included in quote?
What is the average number of defects on the last 6 builds and how long did it take to fix them?
What is the Handover & Orientation process?
How many maintenance inspections have been allowed for after handover?
What type & size are the Robe Doors & what is the Fit out to all robes & linen cupboards?
What is the specification of the air conditioning ?
How clean is the home at handover? (What is the process?)
Is the TV Antenna included?
What size Skirting & Architraves have been allowed?
What size frame & what is the stud spacing allowed for?
What is the specification for the garage door?
Is Gas Installation included?
How many coats of paint have been allowed and what is the paint specification?
What finish has been allowed for to the ceiling/Wall Junctions?
What length has been allowed for Stormwater & Sewer Connection?
How many outside taps have been allowed for?
Is there a Dishwasher Stop Cock included?
What is the specification for the Kitchen Sink?
What Laundry Tub has been allowed for?
What basins are included?
What is the specification for the shower screens?
What is the specification for the mirrors?
What tapware has been allowed for?
Is Temporary Power & Services included?
What standard of termite protection has been allowed?
Which brand of Windows & Doors have been included?
Has any protection been allowed for Windows?
Is the Telstra Lead In included in the price?
What carpets and underlay have been allowed?
What Kitchen Appliances have been allowed?
What Tiles have been allowed to the walls & floors? If it is an allowance what size and quality does the allowance cover?
What height is the tiling in each wet area?