So you have been to see your lender and you now have a financial goal to strive towards so where to from here? Whether your goal is to save for more of a deposit or you’re ready to go it’s such a good idea to sit down and have a look at your budget. It might sound silly but use a budget calculator to work out exactly where your money is going. Some of us may think we are pretty good with our budget but many of us waste money on things that we could be saving ourselves plenty of $$ on.…/calculators-…/budget-planner is a great tool to use!
Now you have your financial goals & budget planner underway it’s an absolute paramount to set a budget for your new home that is still going to allow you to live the lifestyle you want. Ask yourself what are your priorities? You want to get into your own home but you would also like to be able to buy a house full of new furniture or take that holiday every 6 months or you like to buy a new outfit or pair of shoes regularly or even just go out for dinner on a regular basis etc. You need to think about all of this when setting yourself a budget because let’s face it what’s the point of having the biggest flashes house in town if you then cant afford to live the life you love and your stuck at home eating 2 minute noodles for dinner every night. Again be honest with yourself when budgeting, better to over budget than under budget.

Cristy Houghton